
About Us
Pro Musica Youth Chorus provides musical experience, voice training, and rare performing opportunities through a choral program led by professional musicians. Children from Kindergarten through 12th grade; each ensemble is led by a highly trained conductor and a professional accompanist. Weekly after-school rehearsals, varied performance opportunities, and youth empowerment programming combine to give Pro Musica singers a positive life-changing musical experience that they will carry through the rest of their lives.
Why Sing in a Chorus?
For kids who love to sing, PMYC can be life changing. This is what a PMYC 8th grader said about her years with the chorus: “Pro Musica has been such a big part of my life. I’ve learned how to be a leader, how to be a mentor, how to make friends, how to take care of people, how to sight read, how to conduct. I’m who I am today because of this chorus."
Research shows that one reason some children thrive amidst challenging conditions at home or at school is by having an “identity project”—a hobby or passion that some are lucky enough to find and in which to immerse themselves. For kids who love to sing, PMYC can provide the purpose, mission, or inspiration that helps young people overcome obstacles and succeed.
Decades of research prove that participation in a youth chorus promotes self-confidence, teamwork, social skills, responsibility, and increased concentration. Music students get better grades (and higher SAT scores) and are more likely to attend college. Choral singing even increases happiness by boosting levels of oxytocin!
All of our singers develop a sophisticated ear, a love of music that will enrich their entire lives, and a level of personal strength built from their experiences with us. Some go on to study music in college or develop careers in music. No other singing organization—in or out of school— provides this level of music education, performance opportunity, and youth empowerment.
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